Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday Morning Ramblings

It seems ever apparent, as time moves us on, that so many things cause our world to take shape and be misshapen. This morning I sit here trying with all my might to get my left hand to cooperate and let me type. It curls and it freezes, all terms a "Parkie" might know. It's my left arm I do battle with and thank God for that, because you see I'm right handed and really that is the only really functional part of me left. Parkinson's is a funny disease and it likes to play around. Some day you would barely know something was so wrong and then there are days like today...I take them one and all and know that my Journey has all been Googled for me many centuries before. Some mornings I lay tossing and turning in bed until I finally get up and grab my coffee and off I go to the computer as of possessed. As I start to type all the pain goes away and the answers and some questions form for a new day. This morning this small poem came from nowhere so I copied it down and checked my email.
Tell me sweet Jesus, give me a clue. How do I be such a leader of few? Give me direction as I stumble along, trying to save and then moving on. Questions and Questions come from all sides and so few answers do I find. . So many needles in such huge haystacks, Tell me sweet Jesus, tell me please do Are the answers still out there? For the wanderings of so few. pokie 11/2008
So now on my second cup of coffee and well on my way...I'm ready to square off and face my new day. I can only hope that some of my tasks don't include running and jumping. For those are two things my body refuses to address no matter what shape I get up in. Well leave you with this rambling and wish you a good day on my Journey to 2009....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your poem. I have such faith in your ablilities to do whatever God puts in your hands. Remember the song
I am strong I am invinsible
I can do anything. I am woman.
hear me roar.

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