Sunday, October 2, 2011


Could it be that my brain has forgotten how to rest? Only when I try to rest do I have tremors and shakes....In the old days did they have shakes? Were they worse in the span of time between lying down and sleep? And, what about when you do sleep? Does your brain wait for you to rest so it can throw in weird dreams to wake you up? Do you lie there and refuse to open your eyes.....thinking you might go back to sleep, but soon realize your up for the rest of the night or early morning. Do we get going so fast in life that we cannot slow down to rest, dream, talk to God or listen to what he has to say to us? Why are we doing this to ourselves? I have always "hit the floor running" in an attempt to feed and cloth three kids as a single mom, for what seems like all of my adult life. Now retired, and the brain gives out. Sometimes, in physical therapy, I just have to say, "My brain just doesn't know how to do that.".....I now spend hours trying to reprogram myself to bounce a ball from one hand to the next....remember the punch line to a joke....or the whole joke! I have never been an athlete but, bouncing a ball I could handle.....I stop myself and say,"Don't limp and stand up straight." AND the miracle is I can......I CAN. What are the researchers missing? I know I am a bundle of questions tonight, BUT I now rely totally on Ivyprophen for pain, warafin to thin my blood, fish oil, B12 capsules and prozac......that's it from 42 pills a day to two prescription drugs...these are some things sent to me today by email...they made sense: STOP TRYING TO FIT IN WHEN YOU WERE MEANT TO STAND OUT! WHEN ONE PERSON DREAMS ALONE, IT'S JUST A DREAM...WHEN MANY DREAM TOGETHER IT IS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW REALITY! IF YOU HAVE ENEMIES IT MAY JUST MEAN YOU STOOD UP FOR SOMETHING SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY. This one I worry about.......YOUR SOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE MIGHT JUST BE TO SERVE AS A WARNING TO OTHERS!..... A TRULY HAPPY PERSON ENJOYS THE SCENERY ON THE, I enjoy ANY scenery!(or for that matter detours are ok too) and last but not least............SOME MISTAKES ARE TOO MUCH FUN TO MAKE ONLY ONCE! Well obviously, my unprogrammed brain is scrambled like eggs tonight I will wish you peace and contentment and GOOD DREAMS! LOVE YA POKIE P.S. If someone whom I love alot, is caught reading this and realizes I have once again used SPAN instead of SPAND....Goggle told me to do it...goodnight

1 comment:

Debbie K said...

I love it, I love you, and if your brain is scrambled like eggs, KEEP IT THAT WAY!! You are an inspiration!!''

Laughin' and lovin'!!


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