Monday, June 28, 2010

Luggage or Treasures

I'll tell you right off my symptoms are excellerated today and for what reason I do not know. I am taking my pd meds amd Epilepsy medication as directed, which is so odd for me and really feel lousy. I can attribute this to one thing, my brain is having problems processng all I am sending it's way. One travels life with so much excess baggage and it's contents will keep you from ever enjoying any of the special moments you incounter. Yet I am finding out your brain can also lead you to believe one thing when quite the opposite is true. How do you ever survive this way? How do you know when you are actually loved or is your brain just tell you this out of need? Maybe you think you have had enough of something and you haven't...this could keep you eating all your life. Tomorrow I am going to have to leave this very much behind or it will drive me crazy. This is one of those things, that when I pass, God will have to set down and explain to me. For one thing I feel no remorse for believing with all my heart and another for carrying it through my whole life but I am angry that I didn't realize it earlier. I know this seems like so much gibberish coming from a vey confussed mind but know this. This baggage might have been and still could be a Pandora's box or a place you go on a rainy day to play in a field of clover with the butterflys. Tears have a speial ingredent to heal. Heal what? Another thing I don't know...but it is an excellent way to fall a sleep and DREAM.....and PRAY. both of these I will do tonight and maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will come up clover and Pokie

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