Sunday, January 25, 2009


If you have never visited you may have missed a very unique lady and one I have loved since the first time I read her posts on the forum. Long before I knew what a forum was I would read of her struggles with multiple health problems. My amazement at how she could travel from doctor to doctor, going through test after test and still carry on a business on the Internet just drew me in like a moth to the flame. I would sneak into her blog site very late at night and read her thoughts for the day and think to myself...."Isn't this neat? She can get it all out and be ready to start a new day." From stuffed toys to her dads old car, Parkinson's Disease and not, to other diseases no one can pronounce. Then one day she said, "I can't come back here, I don't have Parkinson's" I was crushed. She did comeback and she continued to mentor me on my long journey. How naive I was at that point in life. Denying that depression would ever set in. Denying that anger from constant pain would take over MY life. Little did Rosemary know that every time she came back she spurred me on. Once she referred to herself as a computer geek. I laughed at that statement until I actually learned some of the things she has accomplished. In my small way this morning I would like to send a thank you out to my friend, Dirty Butter. Thank you for the very first time you referred to me as "the one that goes by PokieToo" on your site. May your days continue to be blessed and new medical miracles come your way. I hope you know just how much you mean to so many and especially me....pokie

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Wow! Who is this lady!!! I am humbled by your kind words, Pokie!!!

It's nice to know that I have had a positive influence on someone, and my hat's off to you for such a sweet post.


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