Thursday, January 22, 2009


For days now I have scurried around like a little mouse on a mission, going here and there trying to get everything done for some unknown reason. I feel like I have waited all my life to see the world take this turn. I can feel God smiling. For the first time people around me are openly talking about religion and race. Love and relationships are drifting into those conversations as well. I have talked to so many people in the last two days who spent the Inauguration Day glued to the TV, as I did and cried....all day, but unlike the tears of fear on 9-11, they were tears of joy. I was in Charleston, S.C. when Martin Luther King died and was taken out of town to the islands because I was white and the city was burning. Fear and the associations that had been set in me from birth governed my life at that time and though I never thought about it I was very narrow minded and came by it naturally.. I can also remember campaigning for John Kennedy while only in the fifth grade and a huge button with his picture on it that I wore to school every day..Franklin School, Cape Girardeau, Missouri...Schoolyard Politics. I truly loved JFK an when he was gone a part of me just shut down until Tuesday. I did my job and voted but kept my feelings out of the reach of anyone. No one would ever offer me security and take it away again. Tuesday I felt loved and I loved it. I felt it was once again important that I was a citizen of the U.S.A. I was once again a real American and I had faith and every one was talking about it. God was visibly everywhere. From the cashier at WalMart to the meter reader for the power company, everyone had something to say and it was all filled with hope and enthusiasm. Then as the whole world watched it was announced that Ted Kennedy had suffered another seizure and had been taken to the hospital....The guard had changed for ever! Thank you President Obama and your beautiful family for having a dream and pursuing it. Thank you God for once again taking the lowliest of men and guiding him to lead. Thank you for one more experience in such an experience filled life......Pokie

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