Friday, January 30, 2009


I wonder if God intended us to go through mood swings or were we suppose to stay up and helpful always...Some call this malady, I am enduring, brain fog. Others call it depression and if your real fancy you could call it writers block. I just call it a funk and it goes with this time of the year. This house becomes pretty small in January as does my world. My brain just feels so sorry for itself and looks for stimulation. Today I addressed housework so when the weather changes I can get out. Some of the nicest things have happened lately so I have to realize that not everyone is having problems....Being a redneck though , I am glad my Christmas lights and tree are down and packed away and can spring be too far away because the first seed catalog graced my doorway today......I think I'll bypass the housework and sit in the recliner for a while and day pokie

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