Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here's to Us....

I was drifting through my pictures today and came across this picture of the coffee cup Karen sent several of us back before she retired. We use to get up at four or five California time just so we could clown around in chat before Karen would go to work. We have since realized this deprived us of precious sleep which added to Karens' misery at the time, but boy did we ever have fun in those early morning hours.....We'd meet and once we got there would lift our cups and celebrate a new day. Carefree times were they. Much before news of a Depression or economy crunch. Long before worsening diagnoses for some of us....We were just out there as friends do playing. I have decided not to loose that this year and I do realize it would be ever so easy to let it slip away. We're older and things are harder. We sleep later in the morning and get to gether later on but one thing has not changed...we are friends for life. We choose to celebrate each day and move on. In the past year I have become a new mother to some and a new sister to others. I have become a connection to religion when none seemed available or wanted. I have traveled and hugged some of the most incrediable people ever. There is an awesome feeling in the air in the United States of America right now and I love it. A feeling of hope and promise and may it continue. This is the best country in the world and any thing is possible here. People have come from other land to settle here and made millions and the world was better for it but things are not important and as our economy falters so many friends will be called on to help someone else and I hope you do it with a happy heart. It takes only a minute each day to bring a smile to someones face or to give a hug to someone who has had none for for too long. With the beginning of a new year and a new administration, letssquare our shoulders off and decide to get things straightened out. One on one we can change for the better, we can find a cure, we can make America safe for all. Will we ever get back to the safety and peace of the fiftys? Maybe not...but it is a beautiful dream is it not. If we could just be able to stop the killings arond the world and get along.....How can we stop fighting over seas when we can no longer sit on our front porch without fear of being part of a drive by shooting. In the early ninties there was something called honor among thieves. Now there are no bosses and the idea is.... you answer to no one. Not so, my friends. You will always be accountable to your Higher Being no matter who he may be. Sooner or later the time will come to settle the score card and there are so many young who are coming or will come up short on their cards. I hope my generation does not give up being mentors for the young in the coming year. Tthough it is a hard road to walk on and not to be traveled without a good heart. Tthe youth of today are really going to need us old(????) to survive what is lurking out there though they will never admit it.....so as I ramble on trying to reach an indeterminate end I will pray for peace for my grandkids and an increasing knowledge that the very small things in life are the most important and the treasure of inheritance may be a quiet monment or a good story from another time. With that thought I raise my coffee cup and wish you peace and improved health in this new beginning...love pokie


Rosemary said...

I wish you peace as well, dear Pokie! And yes, I pray for our grandchildren, too.

Anonymous said...

love ya sweet lady!!!

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