Monday, May 10, 2010

Two Mustard Containers

I woke up this morning, as it always happens, with the weirdest things running through my head. This happens because I suffer from Nocturnal Seizures so they say and my brain stays quite active though I think I am sleeping. Yesterday my family treated me to lunch with all the trimmings on "our back forty"by our lake. My contribution was mustard and catchup. Nice Huh? One of the nicer things about Mother's Day. But anyway, this morning I had two what appeared to be empty mustard containers on my kitchen counter. I started to throw them away and then got this wild idea to cut them in half and see just how much mustard was left inside. I know I'm loosing it, but there was enough in one to fill the other half full...really and I would have thrown them away. Not that I was that concerned about the catchup or me starving, but something about the whole process bothered me. What if we always just operated at half our capacity or finished when we were half done....How about if we only tried half hard to do anything and and then gave up and chucked it...Is that where the world is headed? What happen to the satisfaction of knowing that you completed a job and did it well and went to bed bone tired but satisfied.....All this is coming from my two now one mustard bottle from Mother's Day. Is it safe for me to venture on into my seventies, or will I be tormented by questions of evolution and space science? Losing brain cells in one place must be causing overload or confusion in other places. Well there are surveys to be taken and other things to FINISH and I am sure the since of accomplishment is just around the corner, so with that I sign off for a glass of milk and a ya Pokie

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