Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Latest News From The Home Front

This is some pictures of me and the girls in NYC for the 16th Annual PUW in Central Park April 26th, 2010. A glorious time was had by all and not another hour of fun could I have crammed into the time I had there. I love NYC and this year was no exception. Did you follow my teams success? We started January 1st with not a cent collected and Walk day had collected $13,350.00 for Parkinson's Disease Research. Through the Walk, every penny of that goes to research for a cure. No red tape no overhead just research. There are no words to tell you just how proud I am of my teaam and just how much fun we had in New York, I hope you understand we had never met before except on the internet on and yet would have thought we had been friends for ever and probably will be. As you can see I and a member of my Team went to the Today Show that Friday morning. That involved us getting to 30 Rock at 5:00am and it was very cold. We were out side till 9:30 but had a ball. Sara is a tiny thing and about froze to death but stayed right with me to the end...or at least through the first half...I thought they were done. Then I went on to a Dr.Oz taping and who did he have on but Mary J. Blieth.....look out! Back to the hotel room and off to Central Park for the kick off reception for the Walk. This was something like I had never been to in my life and loved it. I was able to connect with so many people I had talked to over the year and give them a chance to see what a 63 year old goat farmer from Illinois with Parkinson's is really like....No one ran me off. As we started the next day I was struck by the beauty of the day. All around they reported storms and rain and we had 67, a light breeze and sunshine, glorious sunshine. I had a list of people I wanted to see and memorized it. Paul was sick and couldn't make it but I had a long talk with his wife. Helena and I connected all special. Gary came up right away for HUGS and the girls kidded me about blushing.....He's just a really sweet good looking guy. Matthew and I connected and I got the registration stand going with PDF fliers on the Quilt Project. Team Pictures and then I saw May May sitting behind a sign working on her poem for the program. I went over and gave her a hug and got some pictures and let me tell you why. Not because her last name is ALI and her dad is Mohammad Ali, but for the three years I have been coming to the walk, she has been there faithfully. Not with a group following along behind her, not standing out, but always with a smile and a hug. The first year I had no idea who she was and was talking to her and she mentioned her dad knew of me. The second year I talked to her and her sister and now we are friends.....You know what I appreciate her being at the walk. I wish some other big names who Could Of Would OF taken the time for the common patient, not themselves. I wish in your life time you meet this lovely lady....I cherish meeting her each year. There is so much more to tell you about my perspective of the Walk. It will take me all year to get it said and then it will be time to go again....that's what keeps me going. these hugs and smiles I collect the third weekend of every April in New York City's Central Park. Thanks Pokie

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