Monday, March 29, 2010

Team Patientslikeme at $5120.00 for PUW

You know what, I am running out of words to describe this group of people I have become so happy to run around with. Never in my life have I felt so at ease with so many people from so many walks of life. The sick the well, the wealthy the poor, the educated and the not can all be blended very well in most any situation when it comes to Parkinson's and our time to shine is fast upon us. April Fools Day starts our month, National Parkinson's Month. Some say our color is red. Some say it is silver. I tend to sway toward the red tulip....only because Karen Painter was the first to hand deliver one of her hand made pens to me in Atlanta at the YOPN Conference in 2008. That was my first attended Parkinson's conference and I had just started blogging. I still have that pin and where it to every major function I attend for Parkinson's and with total PRIDE. I look at my Team at the Unity Walk and watch it grow daily. I post the totals every day on as I will today ....Team Patientslikeme $5120.00 $541,060.00 over all. Proud just seems so shallow a term for a group that started with not one sent January 1 and has over$5000.00 three months later and sure to get more in the next month. We're proud of our home site and want the world to know. The phone calls are going constantly and emails are flying. What we may have casually mentioned before we are begging for now.....The thing that spurs me on is that every penny of this goes to research....EVERY PENNY.... never forget that is so important. I am starting to pack my bag. Yes I start early because the assortment is huge and the airport is harsh...I have even been known to mail gifts to the hotel I am staying at....I know I will have to send a package home...I did last year. I hope somehow I can touch each person and tell them the love they have brought to my life will never be forgotten and be forever cherished. This is not only the members of my team, but people I have met on the street at the Today Show, Very special organizers of other walks, bloggers from all over the world, and those who have written articles about me and to me. We have some how all become one big family and it feels very good and comforting....thank you Pokie

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