Monday, January 18, 2010

Grandma Says

I grew up in a college town in Southeast Missouri in the late forties.  We were a modest family.  No one ever discussed it but we knew we weren't rich.  We had cousins who lived in St.Louis that must have been rich because their Christmas presents always came in Famous Barr Red Boxes. I saved these boxes and when my friends had birthdays during the year I would be sure they were given something that fit into a Red Famous Barr Box.  We saved the small things for worse times and thats what we should be doing now.Hopefully we all won't have to live through a natural disaster, but does it hurt to be prepared to save YOUR family if one happens?What are your grandkids going to eat and drink for a week while the Government takes care of itself first..  Have you got a spare closet? Could you store a week supply of water in gallon milk jugs?....One per Day.  How about some candles and matches batteries and radio?
Learn a new old plan "Take Care of Your Own".  Are you watching the Haitians? They had nothing and are going out in the middle of fields and sitting up some sort of shelter to huddle under. God bless this mother of seven, who lost four and had three left and was squaring off in the corner of a field so they all knew where each other were.
No matter how much I fuss, my mother cannot throw anything away.  I throw containers  in the trash upstairs and she takes my trash out and sorts it and washes every discarded container and brings them back into the basement. When I head off to town for groceries, she brings them back upstairs and we start the cycle all over again.  Crazy maybe, BUT my mom was one of ten kids.......... five, boys five girls who grew up during the Depression.  Their father was an unemployed carpenter and their mother was disabled most of her life due to a open leg wound..
If there is anything I know, it is how to stock pile, cook and can...prepare for the worse day you could ever have  and come out having a good time. This country needs to stop waiting for the government bailout.....the government will bailout the government...My.Grandma always said, "Straighten up,  stop sniffling and do something...Love Pokie

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