Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Crazy Ladies

Two Crazy old Ladies

Ventured out on the road yesterday.

They traveled to Springfield

almost a hundred miles away.

They started at four in the morning

In cold rainy weather forbidding.

a chuckle here and there and even sometimes grinning.

Now what might you say was the reason for travel,

Gramma’s heart you see was trying to unravel

The doctors up there

In this fine big city

Had stitched her and mended

and made it all pretty.

At eight in the morning

no coffee had she

which makes gramma shakey

and to some wobbly.

But in her confusion

of the world as it is.

She told me this story of what they had did.

“They put me in an oven

All snuggled up tight.

I thought I might sleep

But thought that not right

And so I just laid there

All cozy and snug

Just trying to remember what it was I had done.

How had I got here

And what was I to do?

I guess I’ll just cat nap

And wait til they are through

For life’s not so bad

In the state that I’m in

The Lord’s standing beside me

And being my friend.

Just me in this oven all snuggly and warm.

Pokie Too 12/2008

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