Saturday, May 3, 2008

Starting a new day.....

So many things have went on since my last post....So many emotions have flooded my brain. I've cried and laughed til I cried and then cried some more. People with Parkinson's tend to be emotional and crying is suppose to be good for you...but this is ridiculous. In the span of a week I have traveled to places I would have never dreamed of seeing and met so many people that were only names in space. I've said hello and goodbye to people who have forever touched my heart and changed me once again to another person. If these emotions alone were not enough, feelings from another land crept in yesterday and threatened my very existance as it is today. Without warning everyone around me had paired off and it looked like my happy computer home was doomed....The need to make a dollar over shadowed the total feeling of the site and by noon the site was faced with loosing 20 or 30 posters. There is such a support group there on both sides of the screen and the phone calls and emails started right along with the prayers. Then at 10:00PM his time , he called me and the world started up again and my home was saved. All of this was a test to the strength of the caring on We banned together in love and set our sites on the truth and caring and I believe we won...Thanks to all that survived yesterday....may it never happen again...POKIE

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