Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Record of Our Lives

Take care and watch yourselves closely so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children's children....Deuteronomy 4:9 This morning I woke up to a dreary day and really considered rolling over and going back to sleep when this voice came to me saying...."I was there for you, will you not be there for me?" and to that I jumped up and dressed for church and noticed I was functioning with no limp or pain. An hour later I was at my church of choice and looking through the free reading material in the foyer and picked out several for prayer help in the coming Lent season. I ventured into church feeling ex tactic, for some reason, just to be there. Three months ago I had my right hip replaced after almost ten years of increasing pain. Most doctors said I would have trouble healing because of my other ailments(Parkinson's, Epilepsy and RA) but I had no choice if I wanted to walk. I was primarily in a wheel chair and the pain was ten and above on all days. So all seemed to be going well until six weeks to the day after the surgery it slipped out and I was in a brace and pain once again. Needless to say, depression set in in a big way and I dropped out of sight. Had it not been for my lover and family and friends I may not have made it back. Friends came from all over, Facebook, and my blogs to lend me moral support. I continued to ask God, "How could he possibly be setting me up for a new life and adventure in this condition?" I would pray and read my Bible daily and both assured me I was being lead just go with it, This morning, at church, the first thing I read was the passage from Deuteronomy and it all connected. Next I opened my email and found a email from : Me writing a top 49 Parkinson blog......thank you, Lord. I had never been on the Internet before October of 2007 when I signed on to So now I am back and am happy to be so.......May we find a cure to these diseases and neurological disorders. We can only do that through speaking up and being heard. Love Pokie

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