Saturday, July 17, 2010


As I was wading waist deep through my email, tonight, I realized there is one very large thing we with chronic diseases are doing WRONG. There is a storehouse of information that applies from one disease to another that we are not taking advantage of. For instance, using the information furnished by the Christopher Reeves Foundation to help me live with Parkinson's Disease. I read in their forum of a fifty one year old couple who have been together since high school. For the last 15 months they have been learning how to cope with care giving and their fears of what lie ahead. As I was reading this I was struck by her love for her husband and how brutally honest she was able to be about the consumption of her time to keep their family going. All she said is universal...whether paralyzed or disabled in another fashion. Yet so many will never read her words because the Christopher Reeves Foundation is not a regular stop for Parkinson's Patients. This is not helping us toward a cure on any front. As patients and caregivers we must be constantly vigilant of new areas for information for all concerned. Tonight in my travels, I have learned very good tips on traveling with a wheelchair, the news on new physical therapy, and a love story that brought tears to my eyes.
My interests are so varied, as you can tell. Colon Cancer is very high on my list as is ALS and MS not to mention Epilepsy and all the many rare neurological diseases and in the past few years I have learned that the more you reach out the more you receive. Try this today or soon and reap the rewards. Branch off from your main concern and check around somewhere else for NEW MATERIAL, a new insight on an old disease. someone Else's viewpoint. There is so much out there that can be cross referenced and used to your benefit.
This is a quote I found tonight: "There is something about our spirit that drives us toward life. Just as a tree sprout will grow toward the sun, we are drawn toward wholeness." and in that growth we must be ever conscious of the helpful forces there to nurture and sustain our growth. That sprout will never make it on his own but with God's help and support from his surroundings...he will survive and thrive. Have a good Pokie

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