Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Not on My Watch"

I know I promised to back off for awhile as I am finishing the quilt project for PDF BUT alas Kimberly Clark sent me some very interesting information yesterday I would like to pass on to you. Did you know that an estimated 100.000 deaths have occurred in the U.S. from healthcare-associated infections. This was reported in a Center for disease Control (CDC) report published March April 2007. The risk of acquiring these infections in developing countries is 2-20 times higher than developed countries. "Until recently , a lack of HAI reporting requirements for health care facilities has contributed to less-than-optimal emphasis being placed on eliminating the sources of health care associated infections. However, growing public anxiety regarding the issue and resulting legislation on state and local levels demanding accountability is serving to accelerate initiatives to combat HAI's. To learn more please visit" Now, let's go to my words. In an earlier time and place a hospital was a safe place you went to be healed BUT in the past year I have lost countless friends who entered the hospital for elective surgery and I never saw them again. Gallbladder surgery..she died. Lap band...she died. There is a total panic among middle age women in my area about being alone and facing health care crisis. I am attaching a video I hope you take the time to watch and more important, the next time a health care professional touches you ask them to scrub OR hand them a sanitary wipe. Don't be shy. It's your life and well being. love Pokie

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