Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How's your garden going?

When Joe Parkinson's came knocking at my door four years ago this is the thing he stole from me that hurt the ability to put out and maintain a beautiful and weed free garden. There is not one thing about gardening i don't like except deer flies and deer ticks. Deer flies can be stopped with excessive bug spray and deer ticks can be detoured but not stop ed by long sleeves and long pants with duck tape wound with the sticky side out. You'd be surprised how many of these pests you can catch and dispose of this way except you could have died of heat stroke today with all that on since the heat factor was 108. I have passed my garden spot on to my son-in-law and his friend. Tonight they brought me cabbage and they are picking green beans, peppers and cucumbers. When the tomatoes come on in full force, the freezing and canning starts for the winter. All my kids and I have a deep freeze and I freeze more now than can. The weekend I will be going to my first class reunion. It not theirs but mine. The first I have attended in 45 years and my home town is in the boot hill of Missouri which is peach country this time of the year. So, on my way back , in request from my grand kids, I am to pick up "forking peaches", which is peaches in heavy syrup in a easy to hold on to container because you eat them while still frozen with a fork in little pieces. Gives you brain freeze every time but they love them. Joe thought he had really pulled something off when he made me exit the farm chores I have always loved so much but little did he know he can't take them away from me. on my last days the memories will still cause my eyes to twinkle and Pokie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful time at your class reunion Pokie!! Let me know how the peaches are!! Luv ya! B'nana

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