Sunday, September 13, 2009

Puzzles, Puzzels Everywhere....

When first diagnosed with Parkinson's I found doing jigsaw puzzles helped me get past the pain in my legs. In the first two years I did thirty some odd puzzles. Some were small with tiny pieces and others were large 1000-2000 pieces. The more complicated they were the better I liked them. Jane Wooster Scott has always been my favorite. As the puzzles piled up, I found I could actually do a 1000 piece puzzle in two days....laminate it and have it hanging. You see people with Parkinson's and particularly those on Requip often become obsessive and gamble or whatever, I did and still do puzzles. Is compulsive behavior when you know you are doing it? Every one I know has at least one of my puzzles. I have one whole wall dedicated to my puzzles, from ceiling to wall.Now this week I have started a new project. I finished a puzzle called "Grandmothers Kitchen" which showcased a 30's kitchen and all the antiques that went with it. As I was putting this puzzle together, I decided to redo my kitchen and showcase my antiques......Now we will see how long this project takes. "Parkies" are known for procrastination, obsession and fatigue. I wonder which one will get the best of pokie

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