Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Everyday is new......

The funny part of Parkinson's Disease is that no two days are the same. You wake in the morning and your first thought is what will move today? Sometimes only the brain dances out to play and some days the whole body gets involved. Everyone of us is so different. They say different attracts. In the Parkinson's community this is so very true...all ages and sizes, all genders and beliefs yet when you get us all in one room how well we bond. Is it because people with Parksinson's so often talk with their heart and eyes instead of worrying about appearances, we struggle on and try to smile. While traveling this past week, I met a brother and sister team fighting Parkinson's Disease. She was his caregiver and was very efficient but so hostile. He was so quiet and never said a word, mainly because he was never given a chance. She let me know early the whole program we were in did not fit her taste and when I had to go take a nap for two hours in the afternoon....I was hurting her team. Come to find out I wasn't even on her team just sharing the table....Later on the Hill I got a chance to get a few words in with her brother while walking between meetings. He turns out to be very angry at the whole business of having Parkinson's. He is so highly educated and at the top of his field and unable to use any of his skills. His natural question is why....and what do I do with all this knowledge.?My answer was this. Re channel as only you can. You know your goods and bads. Take the best and run with it. Try not to look down always. Try to focus on up. Find a passion in all this and push it to the max. Be it writing or travel, crafts or painting or just meditation. Life, when you are diagnosed with PARKINSON'S, looks so short and every minute must be used for a passion. Some focus on a cure....I focus on the relationships and what brings that sparkle back to your eyes. Some people, I have found, may have never found their passion and still may never. It's not easy. And once you find it you will be constantly bombarded for following it, but if it is God's work,you will find a way and you will enjoy every second of your new found life. The cliche is that one door shuts and another opens....yes there is always something else and no shortage of people with needs and troubles. The gentleman I talked about was a passing friend. I may never meet him again but it will never stop me from wishing him and his sister well.....her peace with the world and he peace with that same world through the many great talents he has.......love pokie

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