Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Solid Gold

This has been a crazy one. Emails have been flying back and forth. The phone has rang all day. I've talked to people on all corners for the world. I am making list after list trying to keep my mind on the right track and make it produce as much as it possibly can. Mr. Pain has come back to visit in a big way and bless his heart he has brought a bunch of friends with him. Slight headache and mounting fatigue came along just to see what was going on.This crazy disease just never gives up. It seems no matter how much medicine you take it playes this game with you. You feel better, sometimes, for months at a time and then get up one morning and cannot move. My back has a severe ache in the lower part and minor aches all the way to my shoulders. My head feels like an over saturated sponge. The upper part of my arms and elbows are the worse for ware. It's no wonder statements are made to me like, "you know they shoot horses when they get like this?" and , "what next?" The best one's are , "I just give up." To all this I can only say "Nope Not Yet!" I refuse to give you this day. I will hold on to it as hard as I can and make it the best I can. While I have been trying to write this the hours have past and I wandered into my bedroom and turned on the heating blanket for relief. I slept or passed out for almost six hours, which is great for me. I fixed me a pot of coffee and started a new day of meds. The sun is not up yet but like all of us it is doing the best it can.....All I can say is that I am ever so thankful to be here in God's world and have never had a day without a blessing..... Some turn to drink, and others turn to medication but I turn to prayer and my friends at Patientslikeme.com and all the Parkinson's Foundations to keep me going. The support I receive on a daily bases is huge and not to be left out is my mom. Yesterday, two weeks after heart surgery, she did my dishes while I took a nap.....now who is taking care of who here? I can only say thank you Lord for my many blessings and I would like you to know every minute is worth a million and every laugh is solid gold.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your strength is as remarkable as you are! I love ya Miss Pokie...

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